Lusine on her experience with the CCO Course

In this 3-part series, ‘What are the experiences with the Certified Compliance Officer (CCO) course,’ industry peers share their impressions. All interviewees took part in the incompany training program offered by Rabobank. In this article (part 1), Compliance Operating Officer Lusine Shahmuradyan shares her experience. 

Coordinating and facilitating 

Lusine is part of Rabobank's Core Compliance team. This team ensures that other compliance teams can perform their tasks effectively. ‘We handle tasks such as coordinating risk monitoring, reporting, and implementing the annual plan,’ explains Lusine. ‘Professional development also falls under our responsibility.’ 

Linking Rabobank and NIBE-SVV 

A program of this size requires daily attention. Lusine ensures that this process runs smoothly for her Rabobank colleagues from start to finish. She also handles all related communication. ‘I am the promoter and point of contact for the course,’ clarifies Lusine. ‘Additionally, I serve as the main contact to NIBE-SVV.’ 

Close contact between Lusine & the NIBE-SVV team 

‘If we have enough registrations for a new group, I inform Randy from NIBE-SVV,’ explains Lusine. ‘He manages the lesson scheduling. Renate, our dedicated account manager, coordinates any content updates with me. It all runs very smoothly. The same applies to communication with Coby-Wilma. She is our professor from NIBE-SVV.’ 

Responsive to feedback 

‘It's great collaborating,’ continues Lusine. ‘Renate and Coby-Wilma are always open to suggestions. They genuinely listen and address the specific points I raise. The assessors are also very friendly and provide constructive feedback. Many of my colleagues, like me, are English speakers. The assessors take that into account.’ 

High interest among colleagues 

‘There's a lot of interest within Rabobank,’ says Lusine proudly. ‘Compliance colleagues see the course as essential. We also have participants from other departments, such as Audit and KYC. They learn about the course through our internal communication channels. Recently, for example, I posted an article on SharePoint. Soon, we'll have a nice interview with 2 colleagues who recently obtained their certificate.’ 

Just completed module 3 of the course 

Lusine is also enrolled in the course herself. She started just before Christmas '22 and recently completed module 3. ‘I'm so happy,’ exclaims Lusine excitedly. ‘My group attends classes in English. We're the first group to do so. We wanted to start before all the study materials were translated, so we sometimes read Dutch texts. It requires some extra effort, but we manage, and the translations are in progress!’ 

Directly applicable to daily work 

‘We learn what we need to know and apply it in our work. It's very practical,’ explains Lusine. ‘You need a good foundation and experience before starting. I studied law, but not Dutch law, so there was a gap. Taking the course helped bridge that gap. I could have pursued a Master's degree, but why spend time on that when the CCO course is offered, and it's a renowned professional course?’ 

Guidance from Coby-Wilma 

‘It's challenging,’ continues Lusine. ‘Luckily, we have Coby-Wilma. She helps us tremendously, making it much easier. She explains the material clearly and goes through all assignments with us. She has extensive knowledge of compliance, is helpful, and very approachable. Her classes are always interactive with breakout sessions and group discussions. That adds tremendous value. Coby-Wilma does a fantastic job.’ 

Advice for peers considering the CCO Course 

‘Start early. Prepare for each lesson. Make sure you understand the assignments. Stay positive,’ lists Lusine. ‘We attend classes during working hours, and Rabobank also grants us 50 hours of study leave. But even then, balancing work and study is tough. I mainly study on weekends. I remind myself that this situation is temporary. But the knowledge I gain will stay and help me in the future.’ 

About the incompany program CCO: Certified Compliance Officer 

Rabobank and NIBE-SVV have been collaborating since 2021 for the CCO course. The content is tailored to Rabobank's needs and ambitions. The course consists of 4 modules, each with 3 or 4 sessions. These classroom sessions take place at a Rabobank office. Groups are small, and participants are responsible for compliance or related tasks. The course is offered in both Dutch and English. 

Interest in more testimonials? 

Curious about parts 2 and 3? In part 2, former students José Oord and Dewi Mohan have their say. And in part 3, 2 enthusiastic teachers talk about their experiences with the CCO course. Or have a look at Arnout van Kempen's testimonial. He completed the CCO course through the regular route. 

Related courses 

CCO: Certified Compliance Officer
Perfect for compliance officers looking to enhance their expertise. Practical and accredited by DSI and Holland Quaestor. 
CCO: Introduction to Compliance
Ideal for novice compliance officers with prior knowledge of laws and regulations. 
Compliance for Financial Advisors
A favorite among financial service providers performing compliance as a side task. Also suitable as preparation for CCO: Introduction to Compliance. 
Introduction to Customer Due Diligence (CDD)
A 1-day training. Concise and practical. A must for anyone involved in CDD and/or KYC. 


Our student advisors are happy to assist you. Call us on 035 – 7 506 155 or send a WhatsApp message (06 - 82 65 86 44). 

Are you responsible for Learning & Development and want to learn about our incompany solutions for your colleagues? You can reach our account managers on 035 – 7 506 157 or

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